Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tea Candy

Yet another item I picked up while on vacation in Tennessee - tea candy. Surprisingly, it actually tastes like you are drinking a glass of sweet tea. It has a nice, sweetened black tea flavor with similar characteristics of Ceylon tea.

The cashier at All Sauced Up – the place where I bought the tea candy – gave me his business card so I could check out their website, but, sadly, I can’t find this tea candy on their site. They have loads of awesome sauces and various cookware on their website, which my chef boyfriend was excited about, but none of the tea, espresso, coffee, cappuccino, and other beverage flavored candies that I saw in store. That makes me sad…

I guess I will just have to enjoy them while they last and see if I can find another supplier.


Alex Zorach said...

This is a neat idea...but it's funny because, at least for my own personal tastes, it kinda contradicts the main reason that I like tea--that it is bitter and aromatic and not sweet. As I've gotten older, my tastes have changed more to prefer bitter and aromatic foods, and as that post explains, I think this is due in no small part to me drinking tea.

But, if people are going to eat candy, why not tea candy? Tea has such a wonderful aroma, and there are so many different types of aromas, it makes sense to make them into a candy.

Brittiny said...

I agree with you. Since drinking tea my taste have changed as well. I prefer unsweetened foods and drinks. I have also completely eliminated sodas from my diet because they are so sweet (among the other bad things in them) that they upset my stomach.

Regarding this candy, it wasn't overwhelmingly sweet... it had tons of black tea flavor which I was surprised by.

Chris Pugh said...

I've never tried tea candy before, sounds interesting. I want to get some of those green tea KitKat bars, those sound good. I'm going to make some green tea ice cream soon with some matcha that I have sitting around.

Brittiny said...

I was JUST looking at the green tea Kit Kat bars online the other day. I want to try some, but I haven't figured out where to locate them in the states yet.